We just got back from 10 glorious days in Mazatlan, Mexico...our annual trip with my whole extended family. This was our last year that everyone could all be there at the same time so we were able to round up 51 of us to be there, almost the entire family! Some of you may find spending 10 days on vacation with your WHOLE family boring and uneventful, but to me is was a dream! I actually wish I could live in a hotel with all my family so I that I could see them everyday, and all the kids could play and grow up with each other. I loved that every where I looked I always saw a family member, and I had a lot of time to catch up with relatives that live out of state. There is no way I could tell you all of the funny moments and crazy events of the trip since there are so many to choose from, so here is a quick list of my favorites:
1. Mango/Strawberry Daquiris (our new favorite drink of choice...without alcohol of course) at Happy Hour every day (and the fabulous Mexican popcorn)
2. Surfing at Playa Bruja...I thought I had some coordination, but man I ate it almost every time! Even though I only actually stood up three times, my new goal in life is to become a professional surfer!
3. The King of the Lizards, aka, the Iguana, that Kel bought off of his caddy. Pretty sure they drugged it for the ride back to the hotel, cause at first it looked dead. Which actually was a good thing, so all the kids could hold it. But, when it came too...it went crazy!!! It even climbed up the wall of the 2nd floor balcony and flew off down to the first floor! His new name is Superman. We figured it was time to release him to the wild with the olther iguanas running around the resort grounds.
4. Getting a massage, and Andrew's confusion with the very short robe.
5. Spending time with my grandma - My grandma is such an amazing woman. She so graciously made it possible for everyone of us to go to Mexico, for arranging it all, and taking care of the costs.
6. Shopping and bargaining with the beach vendors (and at O'hoolahoops :)...thats for you JJ)
7. Beach volleyball - we dominated!
8.Eating WAY too much all day long! I never got sick of the nachos, peaches flambe, and the amazing mexican oatmeal!
9. Stunning Mexico sunsets, and only can occur in Mazatlan
10. My family - It is a rare occasion when my whole family is all able to be together, with JJ and Allie living in Texas. But to spend a whole week with my mom and all my brothers and sisters was too wonderful for words. I am so blessed to have the most amazing family in the world!
And now...onto the pictures!!!

Family Pics on the Catamaran

Surfing at Playa Bruja(and a shout out to our camera woman, Ash, who could not surf with us this year because she is prego!!! Congrats cuz)!!!

Isn't this breathtaking! It looks like a Monet Painting!

The Cousins - Megan, Brynn, Ash, Tara. We have a picture of all of us just like this in front of the fountain when we were all about 8-10 years old. So we thought a new one was needed!

Beach Volleyball Games...sweet set for Andrew to spike!

The King of the Lizards

The Transportation in Mexico

Running from the waves
We do a foot picture every year, so here is this years :)